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Crowdtesting: Testeum answers our questions

Last week, we presented the Testeum tool dedicated to Crowdtesting, with feedback from our internal use. Launched in spring 2020, this solution aims to democratise Crowdtesting. To go further in the discovery of the tool, we propose you an interview with the editor of Testeum, the company Hightest.

ProMyze: At what stage in the development of a product or functionality is it appropriate to use Crowdtesting? And how often?

HighTest: Crowdtesting is useful when you want to know how your application will behave among your future users in their environment. You therefore need a version that you consider stable internally, even if there are still some anomalies identified. Testeum provides real-time feedback, so you don’t have to wait to correct problems. In this sense, it can be done in parallel with development.

P: Once the work of the Crowdtesters is finished, and I have corrected all the bugs, I have the idea of having these corrections validated by the people who reported the problems. Is this in the spirit of Crowdtesting?

EXCL: Absolutely, you simply load the tests that were in error in the previous campaign, and launch a campaign targeted at the environments that were problematic. They probably won’t be exactly the same testers, but your feedback will be more independent.

P: Is it possible to import test cases from tools frequently used by functional teams to write these elements?

HT: Yes, you export your test cases in excel or csv format from your favourite tool and you can import it into Testeum. Testeum also allows you to check that the import meets your expectations before running the tests.

P: Is it possible to ask for a precise number of Crowdtesters? How does Testeum propose a number of Crowdtesters for a test campaign?

HT: The parameters you control are the tests to be passed and the environments in which you want them to be run. Testeum ensures that your tests are distributed to the people who are available and have the right environments. Each of your tests is performed by five testers who do not know each other to ensure you can rely on them. This number of 5 has been chosen because it provides 99.99%* reliability of anomaly detection and allows us to pre-analyse the results for you by comparing the results given by each tester. If you have ten test cases, you will therefore have up to fifty testers discovering your application. * Based on an independent study conducted by a Data Scientist.

P: What are the profiles of the Crowdtesters you wish to attract to your platform?

HT: Our testers are the Internet users registered on Testeum. They are of all origins and all ages. The platform is designed to make testing accessible to all, and to allow application developers to find a panel of potential users. We guarantee the reliability of the tests by the number of testers, as well as by monitoring the performance of our testers. The performance statistics enable us to give our testers a reputation and to value the best performers.

P: At the moment, Testeum is a new product on the market. Can you tell us a few words about future developments and the product roadmap?

HT: Without disclosing everything, Testeum has the ambition of a global deployment on all continents to democratise crowdtesting, and to provide an effective tool for participatory testing. From a functional point of view, we are very attentive to the needs of our users in order to tailor Testeum to meet their expectations, which for the moment boil down to: faster, more reliable, more supportive.

P: What do you consider to be the differentiating factors of your product and your offer?

HT: Testeum allows application developers to launch a test campaign with just a few clicks. These tests are automatically deployed to the right people testing and reporting anomalies with real-time monitoring. This is at the heart of our value proposition, and there is no equivalent at present. From the testers’ point of view, they don’t have to wait to receive payment for the work done. They are paid per test, not per bug. It is much more ethical and supportive.


For more information, visit the Testeum website.